Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wall Street Bail-out BS...

Is anyone else as infuriated about this whole deal as I am? $700 Billion!? Given to banks that made horribly irresponsible loans?? This can't be happening. We're capitalists right? The beauty of the free market is that it works itself out. It's like a self-cleaning oven. Yeah I said it. Business have to be allowed to FAIL. What's to keep this from happening again? I guess we'll bail them out and just pray that they don't do it again. This is ludacris. Now the same people who were victimized by these (terrible) sub-prime home loans, have to foot the bill. Does that make sense? No. It's just one last hurrah for the worst presidency in the history of the world. Meanwhile the CEO's of these companies, who were taking millions of dollars, are going to get MORE money. As they call it, the "golden parachute". Must be nice. Run a company into the ground, walk away with millions, and get bailed out by the gov't at the taxpayers expense. God bless America.

Whatever happens, at least you weren't involved in this

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Thoughts on a wednesday..

What a great day outside. Sunny, 79 degrees, couldn't ask for anything more..

I really don't like Sarah Palin. She doesn't know her a** from a hole in the ground. McCain really messed up on that pick. Yeah he "reinvigorated the conservative base" by selecting her, but the honeymoon is over. Now everyone sees her for what she is. And that's a lying, unqualified "hockey mom" with a very annoying voice. Good call John. We'll see how that works out for you...

I hate the 5th/3rd Bank, what kind of ridiculous name is that? 5/3 bank? Is it a more than one bank, but not quite 2 banks? whoever thought that up should be shot, end of story..

On a lighter note, I think nectarines are one of the more underrated fruits. Not only are they delicious, they sell at a nice price point. Thanks for that one God.

I really hope the Cardinals stop being so darn cheap next season. It's almost like they only want to stay competitive. They aren't trying to win championships. At least not the last 3 years. Yes, I'm even counting the year when we won. In 2006 we only won 83 games, and probably didn't deserve to be in the playoffs. Don't get me wrong, what the Cards did that year was remarkable, and nobody celebrated more than I did. I just would hate for the ownership to take any credit for that. All they did was make ALOT of money and refuse to increase the payroll for the next two seasons. It's just frustrating because Cards fans are the best, and they deserve an owner who will put forth as much effort as they do. Thank god Bill Dewitt has subscribed to my blog so he can read this.

more to come tomorrow...

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I'm hungry.. I'm starving.. And I couldn't be happier.. I'm ready to attack life, head-on. Most people my age are on cruise control. Good for them. I could easily do the same thing: sit back, work my day job, wait for promotions, etc. But I want more. I want it all. To this point in my life, I've been a failure. Sure, my friends and family would say I'm successful. They're awesome people, that's what they do, and that's why I love them. Ultimately, I hold myself to the highest standard. People change. I've seen the light. Throughout my entire adult life, I've had NO CLUE as to what I wanted to do with life. That's one of the reasons I didn't finish college. Figuring out exactly what you want to do with your life is too much pressure to put on a young person. While in school, I considered many occupations (restaurant owner, sports broadcaster, architect, computer programmer), but I've never had the enthusiasm to follow through with them. Until now.

I want to be a sports agent. Not just any old agent, but a super agent. I know what you're thinking. Trust me, I've already seen the look on a couple of peoples' faces when I've told them. But you're nuts if you don't think I will do this. I love when people doubt me, it only hardens my resolve. Being an agent will give me every opportunity I want. I've wanted to own my own business, work in sports, and make lots of money. I love to negotiate. I also love the euphoric rush I get when I close a deal. I'm used to fast paced work that's everchanging. I enjoy making things happen, and putting out fires. I like managing people and economics. Everything I've done to this point in my life has prepared me, one way or another, to excell in this field. Probably the hardest part will be attaining my law degree, which is essential for doing any sort of contract litigation. Yes, I know what that means ;) The bottom line is I've only been this motivated a couple of times in my life. Every other time being a success. Granted, I've never aimed this high. But I wasn't ready, or passionate for those other things. Plus, I currently have a job that affords me alot of down time, which will lessen the burden of school. Man's Man has a plan plan. My search is over, let the journey begin!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Letter to Rams, idiot from last night

Dear Mr. John Shaw (president of the Rams),

First of all, I would like to thank you for your service to the St. Louis Rams for the last 13 years. However, 13 is an unlucky number. Currently the Rams have lost 15 of their last 18 games. I understand that teams can go through slumps, but we're not competitive anymore. Unfortunately, I blame you for everything. First of all, you live in Los Angeles. How can you run a midwest NFL Franchise while living on the west coast? Answer is: you can't. It's a joke that you even tried. I guess somebody brought this to your attention in 2003, because it's then that you promoted Jay Zigmund to run the operation. While it's good that you hired someone in St. Louis to run the franchise. I hope someone told you he was the Rams ACCOUNTANT. How could you put a glorified accountant in charge of making FOOTBALL decisions? This is absurd. I can't tell who's judgement is worse, yours for putting Jay in that position, or Jay's for the players he's selected in the last 5 drafts. You're both idiots, and you definitely deserve each other, but do the right thing. Step down. You've had a good run. Well, actually you haven't. But we'll say you did because you didn't have a chance to mess up 1999. In the sport of football, it takes 1-2 years to turn a franchise around. Jay has had 5 years. In that time, 13 NFL teams have gone from last place to first place the following year. We've played in the weakest division in football for the last 4 years, with nothing to show for it. I hate what you've done to my team. On behalf of all Rams' fans, you owe us an apology. We can't get rid of the coach, until we get rid of you.

Thank you and good day,


Last night, a buddy and I are at the gym playing basketball. We're shooting around, warming up, when this guy walks in. He's 5'8" on a good day. You can tell he has a chip on his shoulder by the "tough guy" look on his face. He joins us for the shoot around. Normally, when a rebound comes your way, you grab it and shoot. Not this guy. He grabs it, runs to the rim, and TRIES TO DUNK. There are so many things wrong with this picture. First of all, he could barely touch the rim. Anyone who's familiar with dunking realizes you must be able to get the ball and your hand, over the rim, in order to stuff it down. I thought that was common knowledge. This Napoleon guy tries at least 5 times. With each attempt, he leaves the rim and backboard shaking. Which is really cool if everyone else is trying to shoot. Finally, amazed at this display, I ask Webster if he's ever MADE a dunk. He immediately gets on the defensive, tells me how many dunks he's "made", and then offers up that he went to Maryland and played there. Wow, I didn't remember asking. And I didn't realize we were in the presence of a star. An actual Division-I basketball player. That's impressive. What didn't impress anybody was the fact that my friend, who plays basketball once or twice a week, ran his ass up and down the court. Oh, if coach Gary Williams could've seen him now. Getting worked by a 5'6" out-of-shape Asian in a pick-up game. He might have lost his scholarship. Worse yet, I'm sure his NBA Draft stock dropped. Better call his agent, he many no longer be a top-5 pick... Obviously, this guy doesn't realize how ridiculous he is. He's been short his whole life, and hates everyone else for it. After we beat him I looked over and said," Back to the lawn you came from Gnome". Ok, well I didn't say that, but I meant it!

Random thoughts that would make good PSA's

I've realized that EVERYONE'S good at softball. Seriously. Tell people you're starting a softball team, and just listen. Everyone you talk to will say, "Oh, I'm good at softball. I used to play baseball" Really?.. Everyone played baseball growing up. Doesn't mean they were good at it. There's nothing better than when a guy swears up and down about how good he is, and when he finally gets on the field he is terrible. He swings and misses. Misses routine ground balls. Overall is just scared of the ball. If you're fielding next to him, it's easy to forget you're NOT on a co-ed team. Finally, at some point, this guy costs you the game. He has no excuses, everyone realizes he's THAT guy. I hate liars. I hate idiots. These guys are a combination of both. A good rule of thumb: If you've never played softball.. You aren't good at softball! Stop kidding yourself and costing people games.

Why do people STILL write checks at the grocery store? If you have a checking account, then I'm pretty sure you've qualified for a debit card. Congratulations! Seriously, it's 2008. Save a tree. Maybe, just maybe, you lost your debit card and you have no cash. So a check is the last resort. That happens. Just do us all a favor. You know what day it is, you know what store you're at, you can sign your name BEFORE you get to the cashier. You and your selfish, antiquated ways are not welcome in society. Who are you to waste my time? Besides, my beer is getting warm while you fill out your paperwork. Loser.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

When's the last time you saw a film that moved you? One that made you question if you truly know what it means to "live". Well, I just did. Sad part is, I only went to this movie because I thought there might be a threesome in it. Imagine my surprise when I went for such a superficial reason, and ended up leaving enlightened. No, not enlightened into the world of menage a trois. But I left that movie more motivated than ever. I have SO much to accomplish before all is said and done. I wish there were more hours in the day. I've led such a sheltered life.

I feel like I do a good job of living in the moment, but different environments make for different moments. Case in point, I'll give you a moment that I've had:

An October day. Leaves are everywhere. Some are bright red, others are more subtle hues of orange and brown. You can't help but kick them as you walk. With each step you hear the rustle of autumn. I take my seat on a black rod iron chair, bottle of wine in one hand, glasses in the other. The wind hits me, there's a slight chill in the air. It's one that I'm familiar to, an illustration of the coming months. Looking out at the rolling hills, I pour a taste of the Norton. My companion defers the honors to me, so I accept. First I swirl the wine, and watch the crimson color stain the glass for a minute, only to run back down to join the rest at the bottom. Next, the bouquet. As it hits my nose, I'm reminded of cherries and leather, with what appears to be hints of dark chocolate. Now it's time to taste. Once inside, the tannins immediately dry my mouth out. It has a velvety feel as it rolls off my tongue and down my throat. I reach forward to pour the glasses, and it hits me. I'm at home, in Missouri, a place I've always known. The flavor lingers, and just like the moment, it is suddenly gone.

Now change the environment, and the moment is not the same:

It's August in Tuscany. The day is too hot, so we drink at dusk. The sound of the sea echos, as I peer into the horizon. The color of the sky is a reddish-purple, and you can already see the moon. There is warmth in the salt air, which makes the anticipation of the wine greater. Sitting at the wooden table I look at the chairs. Both are worn by years of ocean breeze, and incredibly comfortable. I nod to the server as he presents the bottle. I swirl it around and notice the color. It's slightly golden, and very clean. Immediately the aromas of citrus and pear hit me. As I tip up my glass, the cool Pinot Grigio refreshes me. It's a crisp wine, with a little bit of dryness. I nod again to the server and he pours both glasses. It's then I realize I'm at home, in Italy, the place of my ancestors. The taste is a flash in my mouth, then like the moment, it's gone.

So many stones left unturned.

To: G

Too soon I will sit,
By myself all alone.
With no way to reach you,
You won't pick up the phone.

With a wag of your tail,
Or the smile in your bark.
I'll long for the days,
When we went to the park.

Yeah, she gets too excited,
when new people come 'round.
But damn it, you'll be missed,
Every single furry pound.

The truest friend that I've known,
I always know how you feel.
So I just wanna say thanks,
for 3 years of "keepin it real".

Not sure where you'll go,
Hopefully not very far.
And if you get the urge,
Please don't chase that car.

Some say you're just a dog,
But what do they really know?
Because in my eyes gurl,
You're always "best in show".

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thoughts from last night...

What makes someone lack motivation? I know a guy who could do ANYTHING he wants to. Seriously, this guy is uber-talented. Yet, he is ok with achieving nothing. In a given day, he'll wake up, sit around his place, then get loaded. He's really smart, has a degree, and does nothing with either. It's almost like he's bored with life, because things come to easily for him. I guess it's a blessing and a curse...

I saw a comedy show last night, at the fabulous Comedy Forum in St. Peters. The shows are always funny, and the beers are always cold. If given the chance, I highly recommend going there, and supporting live comedy. They have shows every night of the week. Its a great, inexpensive date. Can you even put a price on good comedy? Seriously guys... Bring your chick, share some laughs, have a couple drinks, and you're the hero.. There couldn't be an easier date.

The word "surge" is waaay overused nowadays.

Also last night was the first time I went to "Home" at Ameristar. It's a beautiful club, lots of seating, good looking people, and great music. It's a shame I haven't been able to get there sooner, but needless to say, I will be going back.

Why does anyone get a nose ring? I'm not talking about a stud. I'm talking about the ring that connects your nostrils. It's disgusting.. Don't do it.. Especially if you're a hot chick that wants to talk to me..

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Morons at the Market, and El Hombre

WHY DO PEOPLE NEED MOTORIZED SHOPPING CARTS!? Whoever came up with the idea, I'm sure was good in nature, but they need to be stopped. There are too many idiots out there who take advantage of them. I don't care if you're old, I'm sure the nursing home feeds you. And besides, ANYONE WHO NEEDS A WHEELCHAIR ALREADY HAS ONE! Old people sit at home, and get all hopped up on pills. Then they realize they're all out of Metamucil, so they WALK to their car. Drive to the store. Then WALK into the store, and suddenly realize they are a parapalegic. This makes no sense. And, if you ever watch them, they won't get out of the chair for ANY reason. They "drive" as close to the shelf as possible, almost fall out of the seat while reaching for an item that would be eye-level if they were able to stand up. I have no sympathy for these people. God forbid you have to walk around for 10 minutes. These people have turned the once friendly, albeit cold, freezer section, into the freakin Audubon. Well, the free ride is over Grandma. I'm not one to regress, but it's time to go back to the '90s when people could stand and walk, lets make the grocery store a safer place.

Time for some Cards talk. It was announced today that Albert Pujols is considering off-season surgery on his right elbow. The surgery would put him out for the start of the '09 season. I think he should do it, eventhough it almost guarantees he doesn't make the All-Star Game which will be held here in STL. While that would be a travesty, since the 1st base position is so deep with talent in the NL, we're potentially talking about his career. Nobody knows his body like he does, and given the fact that he has played a couple of seasons with this injury. I say let him do what he wants to do. Albert is a great student of the game, he understands what he's potentially doing. He realizes that STL will probably not have another All-Star game in the course of his career. I also hope people realize how incredible "El Hombre" really is. The fact that he's having the kind of season he's having is remarkable. No doubt, one of the greats. El Cinco, do your thing.

Monday, September 8, 2008

A Monday Poem

Way too much sleep.. How old have I become?

Good news is I'm up early enough to go outside and run.

A liberating feel, once the wind hits your face.

Reminds me, if I desire, I can run to any place.

I'd like to run to Sicily, but that would be tough without a boat.

Or maybe run to Canada, but then I'd probably need a coat.

Maybe I'll run to Austrailia, try to race one of the 'roos.

Or maybe I'll run to Wrigley, just to see the Cubbies lose.

Anywhere's an option, it just depends upon my mood.

And anywhere I go, better have some damn good food.

It's always nice to think about, someday traveling the world.

It's also fun to think about, someday finding that lucky girl.

She better'd be open-minded, and like to try new things.

And it wouldn't hurt her case, if she looked good in a pair of jeans.

Hopefully she'll speak Italian, for when we go to my home land.

And just maybe she's romantic, and we roll around in the sand.

The future is exciting, many things left to check off my list.

And hopefully I'll check 'em all, not a single one gets missed.

Because when it's all said and done, and I decide to settle down,

It's about being able to turn the page, and having no regrets around.

5 days until the weekend!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Today is the day.

That's right, the first Sunday of football season! Most people love football, America's #1 sport. But, believe it or not, there is a portion of our society that doesn't like it. For these uneducated few, I'd like to offer a little bit of info that might change their mind.

Let's start by talking about why people like football. For some people, football is a reason to invite some friends over, grill up some food, and enjoy some ice cold beverages. In essence, it's just a reason to party... every week... for 5 months. Where else can guys hangout, gamble a little bit, and watch scantily clad females, all while grown men destroy each other?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

If we don't get this election right, I'm Leavin!!!

It's safe to say, I'm completely engrossed in this upcoming election. What an exciting time for the good ol' USA. I've regained all of the faith I've lost in the last 8 years. Finally, a candidate that inspires me! Finally someone I can really root for! If we don't get this election right. I'm leavin!!

Here's a little background of my political views. I liked Ronald Reagan, the elder George Bush, and Bill Clinton (took me a couple of years to warm up to him though). In 2000, when it was time for Clinton/Gore to leave office, I figured the natural progression (and the common sense move) would be to elect Gore for President. Problem being, the Republicans did a great job of tarnishing the legacy of the Clinton/Gore years. Instead of focusing the election on all the great things accomplished economically, and through foreign policy, somehow the conservatives focused America's narrowmindedness to Bill and Monica. While I strongly disagree with having an extramarital affair (Or as Bill would say, it depends on what your definition of cheating is.), Bill's abuse of power is quite similar to the allegations facing Sarah Palin (Republican Vice Presidential Nomination). Sarah is alleged to have a high ranking police official fired, because he wouldn't fire a trooper who was going through an ugly divorce with Palin's sister. She's also a woman who preaches abstinance, meanwhile her 17 year old daughter is 5 months prego. While we're on the topic of family/moral values, let's not leave John McCain out of it. Read this about his first wife, who had his first 3 kids, and waited at home for him while he was in a POW camp for 5 years .. Good stuff huh?

No, Al Gore wasn't the guy you'd want to have a beer with (George W. Bush) , but the country was at an all time high. And I figured, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I guess I was wrong, because somehow despite collecting more votes, Al Gore lost. What's frustrated me most about the last two elections is who Gore lost to. How could we elect (twice) a man who can't speak our language? Now, I'm no wordsmith, but I also don't stutter and invent vocabulary in mid-sentence. I strongly believe in seperation of church and state, so you can see my frustrations there. The last 8 years have really soured my opinion of the republican party. The inability of the Democrats to come up with a suitable canidate was equally deflating. John Kerry? Really? How could they nominate him and Gore, back to back? Could you imagine if they televised a conversation between those two guys? I'd rather scratch my eyeballs out. No thanks. I heard, when McCain was in the POW camp, they forced the prisoners to watch Kerry and Gore debates as a form of torture. True story. Google it, I dare ya.

That all leads us up to today. The community leader, turned senator Barack Obama vs. the longtime senator, and former POW John McCain. Pro choice, cut taxes for 95% of the population, end the war in Iraq ASAP vs. Pro life, increase the gap between the upper and middle classes, possibly keep US troops in Iraq for 100 years. One thing that's undeniable in this election is that we NEED CHANGE. What you must ask yourself before casting that ballot is, who's better equipped to bring change? Someone who's looked at Washington for 26years, or a relative newcomer with a his own idea of how the landscape in Washington should look? Someone from a farm in Kansas who became the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, or someone who graduated from his naval acadamy class 894 out of 899. Who's better for this enormous clean-up job? I think it's obvious. History has shown over that last 8 years, dumb presidents MESS EVERYTHING UP... Just wait until the debates, you'll see.. Grab your popcorn, now THAT's must see TV!