Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Thoughts on a wednesday..

What a great day outside. Sunny, 79 degrees, couldn't ask for anything more..

I really don't like Sarah Palin. She doesn't know her a** from a hole in the ground. McCain really messed up on that pick. Yeah he "reinvigorated the conservative base" by selecting her, but the honeymoon is over. Now everyone sees her for what she is. And that's a lying, unqualified "hockey mom" with a very annoying voice. Good call John. We'll see how that works out for you...

I hate the 5th/3rd Bank, what kind of ridiculous name is that? 5/3 bank? Is it a more than one bank, but not quite 2 banks? whoever thought that up should be shot, end of story..

On a lighter note, I think nectarines are one of the more underrated fruits. Not only are they delicious, they sell at a nice price point. Thanks for that one God.

I really hope the Cardinals stop being so darn cheap next season. It's almost like they only want to stay competitive. They aren't trying to win championships. At least not the last 3 years. Yes, I'm even counting the year when we won. In 2006 we only won 83 games, and probably didn't deserve to be in the playoffs. Don't get me wrong, what the Cards did that year was remarkable, and nobody celebrated more than I did. I just would hate for the ownership to take any credit for that. All they did was make ALOT of money and refuse to increase the payroll for the next two seasons. It's just frustrating because Cards fans are the best, and they deserve an owner who will put forth as much effort as they do. Thank god Bill Dewitt has subscribed to my blog so he can read this.

more to come tomorrow...

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