Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thoughts from last night...

What makes someone lack motivation? I know a guy who could do ANYTHING he wants to. Seriously, this guy is uber-talented. Yet, he is ok with achieving nothing. In a given day, he'll wake up, sit around his place, then get loaded. He's really smart, has a degree, and does nothing with either. It's almost like he's bored with life, because things come to easily for him. I guess it's a blessing and a curse...

I saw a comedy show last night, at the fabulous Comedy Forum in St. Peters. The shows are always funny, and the beers are always cold. If given the chance, I highly recommend going there, and supporting live comedy. They have shows every night of the week. Its a great, inexpensive date. Can you even put a price on good comedy? Seriously guys... Bring your chick, share some laughs, have a couple drinks, and you're the hero.. There couldn't be an easier date.

The word "surge" is waaay overused nowadays.

Also last night was the first time I went to "Home" at Ameristar. It's a beautiful club, lots of seating, good looking people, and great music. It's a shame I haven't been able to get there sooner, but needless to say, I will be going back.

Why does anyone get a nose ring? I'm not talking about a stud. I'm talking about the ring that connects your nostrils. It's disgusting.. Don't do it.. Especially if you're a hot chick that wants to talk to me..

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